
Socialregistration comes with two signals that you can subscribe to:


The connect signal is fired every time a new social profile of sorts is created. The signal handler should accept four arguments. An additional fifth, the current request object, is passed in too:

from socialregistration import signals
from socialregistration.contrib.facebook.models import FacebookProfile

def connect_handler(sender, user, profile, client, request = None, **kwargs):
        data = client.graph.request('me')

signals.connect.connect(connect_handler, sender = FacebookProfile,
        dispatch_uid = 'facebook.connect')

The login signal is fired every time a user signs into your Django application via a third party API. The signal handler here should also accept four arguments and take an optional fifth argument, being the current request:

def login_handler(sender, user, profile, client, request = None, **kwargs):
        data = client.graph.request('me')

signals.login.connect(login_handler, sender = FacebookProfile,
        dispatch_uid = 'facebook.connect')